about me
Height: 5"3 | Eye Color: Brown | Hair Color: Brown
Vocal: Alto | Non-Union

Court Mandated | Mother | Independent/Erin Cummins
Last Shift | Kristin | Independent/Himalaya Kilaru
You Got Nothing | Jane Doe | Independent/Sam Krueger
Distance | Jeff Burton, Independent | Morna
Speed Queen | Jingru Yang, Boston University | Stella
The Boswell Incident | Wes Palmer, Boston University | Pregnant Lady
Support | James Goyette, Fitchburg State University | Kristin
Scarlet Cay | Adam Newman, Independent | Claire
The Company | Doug Cowell, Independent | Sam
What was Plan A? | Rebecca Maddalo, Independent | Girl
Parlor Tricks and Arsonists | Beatrice Baudelaire | URI/Chris Bouchard
Dining Out | Dorothy | URI/Joseph Sawyer Shaw
My Cross to Bear | Emily | NEIA/Anthony Abu-Hanna
Taco Boy | Jennifer | Independent/Ralph Vito
In The Dark | Nancy | Tufts/Sam Gordan and Max Ribbans
The Tsuchigumo | Meghan | BU/Melissa Bennett
Sleepwalker | Daughter | BU/Augustin Boudes
Mary Goes Round | Mary | BU/Mariana Angulo-Pizarro
IT Security Video Short | Student | UNH/Corey Neskey
Beneath the Sinews | Angry Driver’s Daughter | UNH Manchester/RJ Murphy

Web Series

Over Easy Courthouse Cafe | Karen | ROKKEE Productions, Inc./
Andrea Mark Wolanin
Bench | Daughter | Midnight Oil Video/Diana Porter
Testing | Seth Chitwood, Angelwood Pictures | Nurse Diablo
Online Dating | Dave Schweitzer, Independent | Melody
House Mates | Olin Meyers, Independent | Kay
CT Department of Public Health | Kayaker | FlatIron Works
Town and Country Federal Credit Union | Catama Productions | Expectant Mother
Training & Workshops
Straeon | Weekend Intensives (Ongoing) | Josh MacDonald
University of New Hampshire | BA in Theatre: Acting | Deborah Kinghorn,
David Kaye
CP Casting | On-camera Auditioning | Carolyn Pickman